====== SAIG-18 (2017) ======
SAIG18 (2017) Annual Report\\
{{:sponsorsandstudents:saig18r:report18.pdf |
Complete annual report as a single file (40.4MB)}}
SAIG18 (2017) Wenlei Gao \\
{{:sponsorsandstudents:saig18r:chap_01.pdf | Random noise attenuation via randomized CP decomposition}}
SAIG18 (2017) Wenlei Gao\\
{{:sponsorsandstudents:saig18r:chap_02.pdf | Pre-stack multicomponent seismic data registration}}
SAIG18 (2017) Fernanda Carozzi\\
{{:sponsorsandstudents:saig18r:chap_03.pdf | Robust 5D tensor completion via randomized QR decomposition}}
SAIG18 (2017) Breno Bahia\\
{{:sponsorsandstudents:saig18r:chap_04.pdf | FX Quaternion singular spectrum analysis}}
SAIG18 (2017) Mauricio Sacchi\\
{{:sponsorsandstudents:saig18r:chap_05.pdf | Controlling signal leakeage in FX deconvolution: A discussion on a paper presented at SEG by Chiu et al.}}
SAIG18 (2017) Bernal Manzanilla \\
{{:sponsorsandstudents:saig18r:chap_06.pdf | Monogenic signal for features and pattern detection}}
SAIG18 (2017) Jinkun Cheng \\
{{:sponsorsandstudents:saig18r:chap_07.pdf | Compututational efficient multi-dimensional SSA}}
SAIG18 (2017) Amsalu Anagaw\\
{{:sponsorsandstudents:saig18r:chap_08.pdf | Edge-preserving smooothing for simultaneous-source FWI model updates in high-contrast velocity models}}
SAIG18 (2017) Ke Chen \\
{{:sponsorsandstudents:saig18r:chap_09.pdf | Time-domain Elastic Gauss-Newton FWI via matrix-free adjoint-state method}}
SAIG18 (2017) Gian Matharu \\
{{:sponsorsandstudents:saig18r:chap_10.pdf |Source encoding in multi-parameter FWI}}
SAIG18 (2017) Fernanda Carozzi\\
{{:sponsorsandstudents:saig18r:chap_11.pdf | Seismic.jl: status and examples}}
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