====== SAIG-22 (2021) ======
SAIG 22 (2021) Annual Report\\
{{:sponsorsandstudents:report22.pdf |
Complete annual report as a single file (222 MB)}}
SAIG 22 (2021) Annual Report\\
{{:sponsorsandstudents:report22_comp.pdf |
Complete annual report as a single file (Compressed PDF 79 MB)}}
====== Individual Chapters ======
SAIG 22-1 (2021) Breno Bahia\\
{{:sponsorsandstudents:saig22r:chap_01.pdf |Neural estimation of local slopes }}
SAIG 22-2 (2021) Kristian Torres \\
{{:sponsorsandstudents:saig22r:chap_02.pdf | Least-squares reverse-time migration via deep learning-
based updating operators }}
SAIG 22-3 (2021) Kristian Torres \\
{{:sponsorsandstudents:saig22r:chap_03.pdf | Deep null space regularization for seismic inverse prob-
SAIG 22-4 (2021) Hongling Chen \\
{{:sponsorsandstudents:saig22r:chap_04.pdf | Nonstationary Seismic Reflectivity Inversion Based on Prior-engaged Mixed Dimensional Deep Learning Method }}
SAIG 22-5 (2021) Dawei Liu\\
{{:sponsorsandstudents:saig22r:chap_05.pdf | Efficient seismic scattered noise
attenuation in OVT domain: application of deep learning }}
SAIG 22-6 (2021) Rafael Manenti \\
{{:sponsorsandstudents:saig22r:chap_06.pdf | Prestack data reconstruction via CUR decomposition }}
SAIG 22-7 (2021) Yi Guo \\
{{:sponsorsandstudents:saig22r:chap_07.pdf | Data-driven optimal sparse seismic acquisition design}}
SAIG 22-8 (2021) Ji Li \\
{{:sponsorsandstudents:saig22r:chap_08.pdf | Robust reconstruction via Orthogonal Matching Pursuit
with Fourier transform }}
SAIG 22-9 (2021) Alejandro Quiaro \\
{{:sponsorsandstudents:saig22r:chap_09.pdf |SNR based automatic rank determination and its appli-
cation for de-noising using MSSA }}
SAIG 22-10 (2021) Rongzhi Lin \\
{{:sponsorsandstudents:saig22r:chap_10.pdf | Iterative 3D deblending and reconstruction with inter-
polated MSSA (I-MSSA) for arbitrary irregular com-
pressive simultaneous-source acquisition }}
SAIG 22-11 (2021) Rongzhi Lin \\
{{:sponsorsandstudents:saig22r:chap_11.pdf | A comparative study of seismic reconstruction for arbi-
trary irregular-grid acquisition: I-FMSSA vs. EPOCS }}
SAIG 22-12 (2021) Joaquin Acedo \\
{{:sponsorsandstudents:saig22r:chap_12.pdf | Compressed Sensing and Sparsity Promoting Inversion }}
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