====== Report as a single file ====== SAIG 25 (2025) \\ {{:sponsorsandstudents:saig25r:report.pdf |Report as a single file (271.5M sorry)}} ====== Individual chapters ====== SAIG 25-1 (2025) Joaquin Acedo and M D Sacchi \\ {{:sponsorsandstudents:saig25r:Chap_1.pdf | Chapter 1: LSTM for bandwidth merging in multi-source seismic acquisition}} SAIG 25-2 (2025) Dawei Liu \\ {{:sponsorsandstudents:saig25r:Chap_2.pdf | Chapter 2: Unsupervised Ground Roll attenuation via Implicit Neural Representations}} SAIG 25-3 (2025) Dawei Liu \\ {{:sponsorsandstudents:saig25r:Chap_3.pdf | Chapter 3: CycleGAN Integration of High-Resolution Crooked Lines into 3D Seismic Volumes: Enhancing Dataset Resolution on the Loess Plateau, China}} SAIG 25-4 (2025) Zeyang Liu, Dawei Liu and M D Sacchi\\ {{:sponsorsandstudents:saig25r:Chap_4.pdf | Chapter 4: 3D Seismic impedance inversion with diffusion posterior sampling}} SAIG 25-5 (2025) Alejandro Quiaro \\ {{:sponsorsandstudents:saig25r:Chap_5.pdf | Chapter 5: Non-intrusive reduced basis approximation to the solution of Helmholtz equation: The magnetotellurics case}} SAIG 25-6 (2025) Alejandro Quiaro \\ {{:sponsorsandstudents:saig25r:Chap_6.pdf | Chapter 6: Acceleration of Markov Chains convergence using surrogate models}} SAIG 25-7 (2025) Kristian Torres and M D Sacchi \\ {{:sponsorsandstudents:saig25r:Chap_7.pdf | Chapter 7: Vector reflectivity inversion with full-wavefield LSRTM and sparse regularization}} SAIG 25-8 (2025) Átila Saraiva Quintela Soares and M D Sacchi \\ {{:sponsorsandstudents:saig25r:Chap_8.pdf | Chapter 8: Acoustic Vector Reflectivity Modelling with First-order Parametrization and PML}} SAIG 25-9 (2025) Akash Nair and M D Sacchi \\ {{:sponsorsandstudents:saig25r:Chap_9.pdf | Chapter 9: Robust Projection Filters}} SAIG 25-10 (2025) Akah Nair M D Sacchi \\ {{:sponsorsandstudents:saig25r:Chap_10.pdf | Chapter 10: Reprocessing Aquistore Dataset for Pre-stack Seismic Re- construction}} SAIG 25-11 (2025) Joaquin Acedo and M D Sacchi \\ {{:sponsorsandstudents:saig25r:Chap_11.pdf | Chapter 11: Joint deblending and multi-source wavefield reconstruction via Regularization by Denoising (RED)}} SAIG 25-12 (2025) Wei Zhang and M D Sacchi \\ {{:sponsorsandstudents:saig25r:Chap_12.pdf | Chapter 12: Angle-domain least-squares migration through analytical angle-domain Hessian}} SAIG 25-13 (2025) Wei Zhang and M D Sacchi \\ {{:sponsorsandstudents:saig25r:Chap_13.pdf | Multi-parameter acoustic image-domain least-squares migration through analytical multi-parameter Hessian}} SAIG 25-14 (2025) Átila Saraiva Quintela Soares and M D Sacchi \\ {{:sponsorsandstudents:saig25r:Chap_14.pdf | Chapter 14: Efficient 3D Least-squares Reverse Time Migration with ZFP-based Lossy Compression}}