====== Conference Proceedings ======
**Proceedings from 2000-2004**
SEG 2004
{{:publications:confpro:seg2004_wang.pdf| J. Wang, H. Keuhel and M. D. Sacchi, High resolution least-squares wave equation AVA imaging: Feasibility study a with data det from the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin}}
{{:publications:confpro:seg2004_sacchi.pdf| M. D. Sacchi et al., Data reconstruction by generalized deconvolution}}
{{:publications:confpro:seg2004_binliu.pdf| Bin Liu et al., Simultaneous interpolation of 4 spatial dimensions}}
EAGE 2004
{{:publications:confpro:eage2004_sacchi.pdf| M. D. Sacchi, Simultaneous signal and noise modeling via the Radon transform}}
{{:publications:confpro:eage2004_sacchi2.pdf| M. D. Sacchi, High resolution imaging}}
SBGf 2003
{{:publications:confpro:sbgf2003_martinez.pdf| V. L. Martinez and M. D. Sacchi, Deconvolution in the presence of stratigraphic filtering}}
SEG 2003
{{:publications:confpro:seg2003_wang.pdf| J. Wang, H. Kuehl and M. D. Sacchi, Least-squares wave-equation AVP imaging of 3D common azimuth data}}
{{:publications:confpro:seg2003_binliu.pdf|Bin Liu and M.D. Sacchi, 2D/3D seismic wavefield reconstruction for AVA imaging}}
SEG 2002
{{:publications:confpro:seg2002_keuhl.pdf| H. Kuehl and M. D. Sacchi, Robust AVP estimation using least-squares wave-equation migration}}
{{:publications:confpro:seg2002_yliu.pdf| Y. Liu and M. D. Sacchi, De-multiple via a fast least squares hyperbolic Radon transform}}
SEG 2001
{{:publications:confpro:seg2001_binliu.pdf| Bin Liu and M. D. Sacchi, Minimum weighted norm interpolation of seismic data with adaptive weights}}
{{:publications:confpro:seg2001_kuehl.pdf| H. Kuehl and M. D. Sacchi, Generalized least-squares DSR migration using a xommon angle imaging option}}
SEG 2000
{{:publications:confpro:seg2000_kuehl.pdf| H. Kuehl and M. D. Sacchi, Born-WKBJ Migration/Inversion with split-step correction}}
{{:publications:confpro:seg2000_sacchi.pdf| M. D. Sacchi and H. Kuehl, FX ARMA filters}}
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