====== Journal Articles ======
**Articles from 2015-present**
{{:publications:papers:ke_chen_2020.pdf| Chen, K., and M. D. Sacchi, 2020, Time-domain elastic Gauss–Newton full-waveform inversion: a matrix-free approach, Geophysical Journal International, Volume 223, Issue 2, November 2020, Pages 1007–1039.}}
{{:publications:papers:ke_chen_2019.pdf| Chen, K., and M. D. Sacchi, 2019, The importance of including density in elastic least-squares reverse time migration: multiparameter crosstalk and convergence, Geophysical Journal International, Volume 216, Issue 1, January 2019, Pages 61–80.}}
{{:publications:papers:ke_chen_2017.pdf| Chen, K., and M. D. Sacchi, 2017, Elastic least-squares reverse time migration via linearized elastic full-waveform inversion with pseudo-Hessian preconditioning, Geophysics, Vol. 82, No. 5, pp. S341-S358.}}
{{:publications:papers:ke_chen_2016.pdf| Chen, K., and M. D. Sacchi, 2017, Robust f-x projection filtering for simultaneous random and erratic seismic noise attenuation, Geophysical Prospecting, 65, 650–668.}}
{{:publications:papers:sabbione-and-sacchi-geophysics-2016.pdf| Sabbione, J.I. and M.D. Sacchi, 2016, Restricted model domain time Radon transforms, Geophysics, 81(6):A17-A21, doi: 10.1190/geo2016-0270.1}}
{{:publications:papers:velis-et-al_Geophysics-2015.pdf| Velis, D.R., J.I. Sabbione, and M.D. Sacchi, 2015, Fast and automatic microseismic phase-arrival detection and denoising by pattern recognition and reduced-rank filtering. Geophysics, 80(6):WC25–WC38, doi: 10.1190/geo2014-0561.1}}
{{:publications:papers:sabbione-et-al-JAG-2015b.pdf| Sabbione, J.I., M.D. Sacchi, and D.R. Velis, 2015, Radon transform-based microseismic event detection and signal-to-noise ratio enhancement: Journal of Applied Geophysics, 113, 51–63, doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2014.12.008}}
{{:publications:papers:rls.pdf| Kazemi and Sacchi, 2015, Block row recursive least-squares migration, Geophysics, Vol. 80, No. 5.}}
{{:publications:papers:ibrahim_and_sacchi_2015.pdf| Ibrahim and Sacchi, 2015, Fast simultaneous seismic source separation using Stolt migration and demigration operators, Geophysics, Vol. 80, No. 6 (accepted).}}
{{:publications:papers:2015_cheng_1.pdf| Cheng, J., and M. D. Sacchi, 2015, Separation and reconstruction of simultaneous source data via iterative rank reduction, Geophysics, Vol. 80, No. 4, pp. V57-V66.}}
{{:publications:papers:ke_chen_2015.pdf| Chen, K., and M. D. Sacchi, 2015, Robust reduced-rank filtering for erratic seismic noise attenuation, Geophysics, Vol. 80, No. 1, pp. V1-V11.}}
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