SAIG-1 (2000)

SAIG1-1 (2000), H. Kuehl

SAIG1-2 (2000), H. Kuehl

SAIG1-3 (2000), H. Kuehl and M. D. Sacchi

SAIG1-4 (2000), Bin Liu and M. D. Sacchi

SAIG1-5 (2000), C. Youzwishen

SAIG1-6 (2000), J. B. Gallop and M. D. Sacchi

SAIG1-7 (2000), Pei and M. D. Sacchi

High performance computing: applications to seismic modeling

SAIG1-8 (2000), M. D. Sacchi and M. Porsani

SAIG1-9 (2000), M. D. Sacchi and H. Kuehl

FX ARMA Filters

SAIG1-10 (2000), M. D. Sacchi

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